Beating the Heat (Or, the heat beats me)

June had a beautiful start, but its last two weeks have been and will be lost to a long heatwave.

Water ice has never been more appropriate!

It comes with lots of sinus headaches, and fatigue. And longing to be outside in the sun, but staying inside to do yoga instead.

Well, I still like my mornings outside in my garden, before the Heat Dome is in full effect. This cheers me for the day ahead:

Other things have brought relief!

My weekly farmers market trip to pick up our CSA share, then cooking with this local, farm-fresh food.

Enjoying the theatre screen in our house, to rewatch a classic like JAWS.

Boardgames! Especially ones that cause lots of laughs, like KABUTO SUMO!

A pilgrimage to Princeton Record Exchange, where the AC was cranked low and the music over the speakers was cool.


And, my deepest comfort, BOOKS!

I purchased new books so living authors could get paid.

But during the series of 100+ degree days, I was stitching and listening to Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s Frankenstein. I read it in high school and couldn’t remember much. Sometimes the plot action and descriptions are vague, which can make it more haunting. We never get a real description of Victor’s creation; he’s tall. That’s it. I am intrigued by how the Doctor thought his creation was beautiful, until he gave it life, and only then was “the wretch” so ugly.

This reading, I was struck by the creature being cold and lonely in the woods, reading Paradise Lost and The Sorrows of Young Werther, and wondering who created him.

And I am always intrigued by how the 1931 film adaptation shaped our common understanding of Frankenstein, especially adding a bumbling assistant after a SNAFU with Walt Whitman’s preserved brain!

I will never forget the experience of reading the last few chapters of Frankenstein with the windows open during a thunderstorm. Perfect ambience.

This reread kept me engaged and occupied, and the oppressive days didn’t feel so bad.

And then, halfway through the heatwave, we noticed that our central air system was working, but the pan that collects condensation rusted through. We keep the temp at 78 degrees during the day, but when that’s 20 cooler than it is outside, a lot of condensation collects.

Until we can get a new system installed, we keep fans going and the AC shut off, or we flood the basement to cool the house. It isn’t a comfortable setup.

But mercifully, we got a little break for a few days before the heat starts again. I sat outside in the shade and ate lunch yesterday. We can keep the windows open, and the breeze cools us. It’s cool at night and I can sleep. I am thankful for cold soba for dinner.

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